youth ministries

Faith formation is a life long process that begins with children and youth. We offer a variety of youth ministries in order to help encourage kids on their faith journey.
Youth Group
Our Youth Group (for kids in 7th-12th grade) meets the 1st and 3rd Sunday evenings from 5-7 pm. Each time we meet, we share a meal, work on a Bible lesson, spend time in prayer together and play games. We also enjoy doing service projects throughout the year as well as fun activities outside of church.
In the spring of 2023, we had the privilege to take a group to Big Creek Missions in Leslie County Kentucky for a week long mission trip. We look forward to another trip in the near future.
Youth Leaders: Nicole Dornbos and Kristina Netz
Contact Email: youth@southgrandvillechurch.org
GEMS – Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior
Gems stands for girls everywhere meeting the Savior. The purpose of GEMS girls clubs is to bring girls into a living, dynamic relations with Jesus Christ and to help foster the all-important relationship between each girl and Christ. Other relationships are nurture as well - between the girls and with their counselors. GEMS meetings are for girls in grades 1-8 and are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday evenings from 6:45-8:15 pm. Families are welcome to come to our Wednesday Night Supper on the 2nd Wednesday of each month before the meetings. Dinner is served from 6-6:45 pm.
We start each meeting with announcements and a Bible lesson. We typically do a craft or some sort of activity and share a snack together.
Our goal is to create a safe and fun environment for girls to grow in the faith and friendships. For more information, please email gems@southgrandvillechurch.org
GEMS Counselors:
Krisitna Netz
Nicole Dornbos
Brookyn Helder
Crystal Englesma
Kathy Hill
Kristin Jenkins
Our Cadet Program is open to boys in 3rd -8th Grade. They will be meeting the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays from 6:45-8:15pm. During the meeting, they spend time doing a Bible lesson and work on a variety of projects, including Derby Cars for our annual Derby Race. The Derby Race typically happens in March and the Cadets compete against the Gems. There are awards for fastest car and best design for boys and girls. For more information, email cadets@southgrandvillechurch.org
Ben Netz​
Dan Banister
Luke Englesma
Faith Formation
Faith Formation is a lifelong process. We strive to enfold all ages into the life of our church.
At South Grandville we welcome children to the Lord’s Supper after they have completed a course where the meaning and importance of the Lord’s Supper is explained to them in a way that they can understand. This course is offered in the spring to all 2nd-graders and any older children who have not yet completed the course.
Once the children complete the course the parents decide with their child whether they are ready to partake of communion.
Our other children’s ministry programs prepare our youngest children for this course. For older children this learning is reinforced and expanded upon, helping them to continue to grow in their understanding and their faith.
Another important component to faith formation is fostering inter-generational relationships through prayer partners. Children of all ages are partnered with an adult from our congregation who commits to pray for them and get to know them better.
Faith formation is not just for kids, its a life long process.
See the adult ministries page to see some of the ways we continue faith formation for adults.
Staff Contact Person: Kristina Netz
Email: education@southgrandvillechurch.org