our staff

Say hello to our church staff at South Grandville Church.
If you have any questions for us contact us by clicking here.
Lead Pastor
Administrative Assistant

Kristina Netz
Office Phone : 616-532-5413
email : Office@SouthGrandvilleChurch.org
“Serving the church is really about serving God and His people, which allows me to experience God’s presence in new ways.
I am blessed to be able to glorify God through the work
in building His Kingdom.”
Director of worship & community Life

Diane Reed
Office Phone : 616-532-5413
email : reeddi870@gmail.com
"For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus,
so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." (Ephesians 2:10, NLT)
What a blessing to be called God's masterpiece! My prayer is that, through my role on staff here, I can help others to see themselves as God's masterpieces and to discover the "good things" that God has planned for each of us to do!
Director of
Children's Ministries
& youth director

Kristina Netz
Office Phone : 616-532-5413
email : Education@SouthGrandvilleChurch.org
"Faith formation is a life long process. I consider it a privilege and a blessing to be a part of these kids faith journey from nursery through youth group and beyond."
youth director

Nicole Dornbos
Office Phone : 616-532-5413
email : Youth@SouthGrandvilleChurch.org
Proverbs 22:6 Good News Translation
"Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their life"